Prevent Injury with Fitness

Prevent Injury with Fitness

Every career comes with its own set of hazards. Accountants develop hip or back issues caused by sitting all day. Software developers experience headaches or eye strain from looking at screens. Nurses often have sore feet. In construction most workers will report...
The Future of AI in Construction

The Future of AI in Construction

What is AI?  Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm in recent years and is now making its way into the professional world. Many people have spent time entering prompts into ChatGPT and find the results amusing and sometimes educational. Some people...
Summer School for Teachers

Summer School for Teachers

Usually summer break is a time for educators to unwind from the past school year and gear up for the next school year. This summer, educators statewide spent part of their summer learning about career opportunities in construction and its supporting industries through...
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