For Parents
& Mentors


Off into the world!

We understand that you want the young people in your life to be successful in life! You want to send them “off into the world” on the right path with a career that:

  • Meets his/her interests
  • Offers continuing opportunities to learn and advance
  • Financially is rewarding

Today’s construction sites require that skilled craftspeople embrace changing technology, understand complex projects, and collaborate with many people on the team.


The construction industry and its many partners offer a wide range of support for construction training and education. See what scholarships are available to the young people in your life.

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High school

The following high schools offer construction career technical training programs for their students.


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Volunteer opportunities

Looking for ways the young people in your life can develop their skills and build a construction resume? Encourage them to give back to the community by volunteering at these impactful organizations.


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Even more resources

Build Oregon is just the beginning when it comes to resources to find a path in the construction industry. Check out these sites for even more help.


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